Use your programming environment to enhance a sample website with additional functionality to include images, tables and a Form using Python flask. Specifically, you will add two (2) additional routes allowing a user to register and login to a web site. Additional security considerations include other routes (beyond the register route) will not be accessible until a successful login has occurred.

In addition to the requirements list above the following functionality should be found within your web site on one or more web pages.

 Add at least 4 different images. The images should be local in your environment. For example, they should be saved in your environment and referenced similar to this syntax: <img src=”image.gif”>

 A Table with at least 4 rows and 3 columns.

 A user registration form

 A user login form

 A password complexity should be enforced to include at least 12 characters in length, and include at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lowercase character, 1 number and 1 special character.


The content and topic of the new images, and tables can be anything (like cat pictures). How much is required for the user registration is up to you as well. However, the registration and associated login should contain at least a login name and password